You are loved!

No matter what – whether it feels like it or not – there is One who will always stand by you and love you unconditionally.

He is the origin of love.

The decision to get to know Him is the best decision of your life.

because he has you


There is someone who loves you infinitely.

He loves you, no matter what you do
and what your past looks like.

He loves you no matter how much you like yourself.
When you are close to him, you realize how valuable you are.

His love is unconditional.

He will take away your burdens if you ask him to.
In his presence, your inner being comes to rest.

He is waiting for you with open arms and offers
to accompany you in life.

His name is Jesus.
Jesus loves. You.
He is only a prayer away.
Try it out!

Get to know him

Getting to know Jesus is easier than you think. The only thing it needs is an invitation from you to him.

You say this invitation out loud or quietly.
We also call this prayer.

Find out more about him

We have written down real stories for you from our life with Jesus and from the lives of others.

They show that Jesus is real and that he loves you.

Talk to others

There are many people who have come to know the love of Jesus and would like to accompany you on your journey.

Contact them anonymously and without obligation.

We and others have


Ask your


No matter what question you have, feel free to ask us. You decide how we answer you. No, don’t worry, we won’t be on your doorstep any time soon. Our wish is that questions about love, friendship and faith are not taboo in our society.

We answer your questions as we would answer them for our friends. We are not theologians, but simply a team of friends who are happy to tell you about their life with Jesus. Because his love has changed us.

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That is a good question. Because if God is just an invention of people or the church, faith seems outdated. But when it exists and can be experienced, faith comes alive and has a life-changing power in everyday life. And this is exactly what we experienced personally when we set out in search of God. Each of us found out in our own way whether God really exists and tested specific promises from God. For example, “If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me ”*. And each of us has received personal answers in life and independently experienced a deep peace that Jesus promised to those who invite him into their lives: “What I leave you is my peace. I will give you a peace that the world cannot give.

Faith is therefore not a religion for us, but a personal relationship with God.That is why we believe, because we have experienced him.

*Jeremiah 29 verse 13; **John 14 verse 27

Dear Hans, many people ask themselves this question – especially those who are concerned about the existence of God. The basic question often lies behind it: With so much suffering in the world, can there be a God at all? And this basic question is justified and it would be presumptuous of us to claim that we have the all-encompassing answer to it. Nevertheless, we have already given it some thought and have even published a video on the subject:

If you have any further questions, we will be happy to answer them.

Dear Hans,

Thank you for your fundamental question, which probably all people ask themselves at some point. And the reason for this, in my opinion, is that this question is deeply ingrained in us. We ask ourselves about the meaning of life because we have unfulfilled needs within us. We try to satisfy these needs with various things in life – in the hope that we will finally be completely happy when we have achieved this or that goal or can finally afford the purchase we have been saving up for for a long time. But once the wish has been fulfilled, experience shows that an unfulfilled longing remains and the quest for fulfillment continues.

And just imagine: Now someone comes along who claims “I want to satisfy your hunger for life”. Would you want to find out more about him? Would you try it out? You can, because the person who claims this is Jesus and he introduces himself in the Bible. He wants to meet you personally, give you fulfillment in life and much more: He wants to restore your broken relationship with God, grant you forgiveness and give you eternal life with God. He can do this because when he came to earth, he died on the cross for our sins and proved through his resurrection that he had conquered death. You can find out more here.

Behind the question of the meaning of life often lies a much more fundamental question of meaning, namely the question of whether there is more to life than living a few years on earth and then having to give it all away again. But if there really is more – can we find this meaning in life? “God has placed eternity in our hearts” is the Bible’s explanation for this (The Bible, Ecclesiastes 3 verse 11). In other words: We are made for more than just living a few years on earth. We are actually made for eternity. And this often unconscious feeling brings us to this fundamental question about the meaning of life. But if the Bible has something to say about this essential question, then it also provides answers as to how we can reconnect with God, who presents himself in the Bible as the “source of life”. And it also provides answers on how we can prepare ourselves for eternity. So I simply invite you to look into the Bible for yourself.

If you would like to read the Bible, you can order a free New Testament (the second part of the Bible) here or you can read the Bible online or via a free app. We will also be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Dear Emily, this question is as old as human history. And at the same time, I find it significant that every generation asks itself this question about God and the meaning of life. I personally have also asked myself this question. The Bible says: “If you ask for me with all your heart, I will let you find me.” I simply tried this out for myself and I received answers. From the moment I consciously invited Jesus to come into my life and accompany me in life, I experienced his closeness and supernatural peace in my life. And many other people I know have had similar experiences. At you will find many reports from people who have experienced God in their everyday lives. To get to know God better, I also recommend that you read the Bible. Because the Bible is a living book. As you read, ask God to speak to you and you will realize how some sentences speak directly into your life. I recommend that you start with the Gospel of John. We will also be happy to send you a New Testament free of charge. And if you have any further questions: We always have an open ear for you : )

All the best, Jonathan

JELIEBT has three meanings, that belong together:

  1. Jeliebt is a combination of “Jesus + loves”. When we talk about love, we can’t get past Jesus, who claims to be love personified. If you would like to find out more about what changes in your life when Jesus comes into your life, click here.

  2. “Jeliebt” stands for the Berlin, Cologne and Low German dialects and means ‘loved’. We all want to be loved by others. Feeling loved is a very important need for us humans. Love is not the number 1 topic for no reason 🙂

  3. In French, “Je” translates as “I” and therefore also means “I love”. We can also love:Others and also ourselves.This is an important basis for good relationships. And when we get to know God, the source of love, we can experience what it feels like to be loved unconditionally.

Sprich mit anderen über das, was dich bewegt

Mit deinen Fragen und Gedanken bist Du nicht alleine. Millionen von Menschen haben mit Jesus Gutes erlebt.

Bei findest Du Gemeinden, in denen Christen dir gerne zuhören und für Dich da sind.

Oder schreib dem Team von Gerne sind wir für Dich da.

Mache mit und Teile Jesu Liebe

Die beste Nachricht! Teile sie mit der Welt! Egal, ob auf Deinem neuen JELIEBT-T-Shirt, auf Deinem neuen Einkaufsbeutel oder per Flyer. Lass Deine Mitmenschen wissen, dass sie “jeliebt” sind.