May I introduce you? Love in person

“I love you so much that I would even sacrifice my life for you.” This is how the person I would like to introduce to you here describes herself. And the special thing is that she does this without anything in return. Even if they are not loved back. Is that possible? That seems pretty unrealistic. Of course, many people talk about it and promise you the blue sky. But when it really comes down to it? When it gets really serious? Are you faced with the choice of saving your own life or that of the other person (who may not even like you)? I really got to know this person and experienced that he really meant it: His name is Jesus. Maybe you’ve already heard of him. Maybe you had an idea of him or wrote him off as a nice guy from the day before yesterday. But may I invite you to get to know him again without reservations? Of course, it makes a huge difference whether you just read a few things about him or get to know him personally. But more on that later. First of all, here are a few points about why I think he really is “love personified”:

  • He fulfilled his own promise by sacrificing his life for us humans.
  • he still stands by his many promises today
  • He always has an open ear and answers our prayers.
  • He doesn’t turn his back on us even when we do.

1. he fulfilled his own promise and sacrificed his life for us humans.

It was not unexpected for him. He was not the victim of a conspiracy or the ideals he preached. He deliberately sacrificed his life for you and me. But why? Because it was the only way we could have a relationship with God, our Creator, again. But why was this so important to him? Why on earth would we need a relationship with God? (quite apart from the question of whether he exists at all. You can find out more about this here) Because we humans live in a world that has renounced God. We humans have consciously or unconsciously turned our backs on him. And we see the effects of this in the news, around us and, if we are honest, in ourselves: Selfishness, strife, bad thoughts, broken relationships, injustice and exploitation of people as well as sickness and death. With all this baggage, we can never come close to God. We could not bear his purity. Here in this life and in our eternal life after death. The consequence would be eternal separation from our Creator. The worst thing about it is that we would have to spend our eternity without God, which is even worse than “hell on earth”, as there is not a shred of hope or joy. But it was precisely from this “eternal death” that Jesus wanted to save us humans. When he died on the cross, he allowed himself to be punished for our wrong deeds and thoughts and literally took them upon himself. That is why anyone who brings their dung to him and unloads it on him can experience complete forgiveness. Just like you simply hand over the rucksack that you have been carrying around with you all your life. This sets you free and God’s forgiveness applies from that moment on for all eternity. Now the way is clear for us to come close to God again and consciously invite him into our lives. When I extended this invitation to Jesus, I was filled with a genuine joy and deep peace. From that moment on, I knew that Jesus was really there and has been walking through life with me ever since. This has practical consequences.

But how can someone come to life with us who has already died? Good question ? Because he did not remain in the grave, but rose from the dead after three days. But is there any proof of this? This is proven by many historical sources. The former atheist and Bible critic Josh McDowell wanted to prove with his research on this question that the Bible cannot be true. Instead, he found out amazing things, which he published in his book “The Fact of the Resurrection” (freely available PDF version).

2. he still stands by his many promises today

For example, he has promised that he will give us a peace that the world cannot give. A supernatural peace, so to speak, that is independent of external circumstances when the storm rages around you or the challenges of life threaten to overwhelm you. He gives this peace to those who seek his closeness. Sometimes we first have to give him our worries and fears so that this peace can be felt. But if we allow him to free us from our worries, the inner peace that comes with his presence returns.

3. he always has an open ear and answers our prayers.

He is serious about his promise that we can come to him when we are suffering under the burden of everyday life. He is there and listens, even if we can’t see him. We can talk to him however we like and also about what’s on our minds. He already knows anyway. Because he knows us through and through and is happy when we come to him with our concerns. And he answers. Not always in the way we would wish or expect. But he often surprises us with his answers and shows us a much broader perspective. That’s how I experienced it personally: my great love.

By the way: If you are one of those who enjoyed playing with the gumball machine as a child: Jesus is not a wish machine. Along the lines of “prayer coin in, chewing gum out”. He does not allow himself to be locked into our often limited view of things. Instead, he shows us new horizons and those who trust him will not be disappointed.

4. he does not turn his back on us even when we do.

If he did that, he would have written off the world long ago. Countless reports from people who had already been completely written off by others testify to this: Junkies, criminals, alcoholics… Click here for their real-life stories

If you want to get to know him better, read an eyewitness account from someone who traveled with him for three years: John.

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