Lauren Daigle – “You say”

Do you know that feeling of never being enough in everything you do? This is exactly what Lauren Daigle’s song “You say” is about, in which she gives honest insights into her world of thoughts. To her question “Am I more than just the sum of all the highs and lows?” she receives a life-changing answer that gives her value and identity. She finds her identity not in her performance, not through the evaluation of other people and not in her success and fame as a singer, but in the one who can give her her true value and identity:

With God himself. Because he has made them, he knows their value and can give her a reliable answer:

“You say that I am loved, even if I can’t feel it right now. You say that I am strong when I feel weak. You say that I am held when I feel I fall short. When I don’t belong, you say that I belong to you. I believe. The only thing that matters is what You think about me. I have found my value and my identity in you”

Why does Lauren Daigle confess this so openly in her song? Because it has noticeably changed their lives. You can also experience this when you invite Jesus into your life and ask him to show you your value and your identity. Just give it a try. Jesus is just a prayer away. Here you can find out how to invite Jesus into your life.

On the right is a German version of the song “You say”.

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