Why do people still believe in God these days?

That is a good question. Because if God is just an invention of people or the church, faith seems outdated. But when it exists and can be experienced, faith comes alive and has a life-changing power in everyday life. And this is exactly what we experienced personally when we set out in search of God. Each of us found out in our own way whether God really exists and tested specific promises from God. For example, “If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me ”*. And each of us has received personal answers in life and independently experienced a deep peace that Jesus promised to those who invite him into their lives: “What I leave you is my peace. I will give you a peace that the world cannot give.

Faith is therefore not a religion for us, but a personal relationship with God.That is why we believe, because we have experienced him.

*Jeremiah 29 verse 13; **John 14 verse 27

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